Value yourself enough to stand up to any treatment that makes you feel less than valued. If someone constantly speaks condescendingly to you, or says cruel things to you, or takes their feelings out on you when you haven’t done anything wrong, value yourself and tell them that their behaviour is not how you want or deserve to be treated. This applies to both professional and personal relationships.

Excuses about you needing to be nice/trying not to make waves or that they’ve had a bad day or going through a rough time, really aren’t good enough. Let people know that you are not ok with poor treatment. This also doesn’t have to be confrontational or aggressive – say it calmly and politely: please stop. No one deserves to be another person’s punching bag and you have to let them know that you won’t be theirs.

Once told, it is up to that person to change how they interact with you – and for you to decide what to do should they not change. They may need reminding a few times while they come to grips with their need to modify their behaviour but each time, value yourself and continue to let them know: No.

If they don’t change, then as difficult as it may be, it could be healthier for you both to discontinue your interactions in whatever way that may mean and as hard as that may be. You are worth more than allowing that kind of treatment.

Surround yourself with those who do value you and whom you value in return. Respect, appreciation, consideration and kindness are important factors in all relationships – but the most important relationship is the one you have with yourself. Set and hold boundaries to protect your self-worth and value yourself.