Peri-/Menopause seems to be in the news more frequently lately and I can only see that as a good thing. It’s often the experience for many women that they have experienced symptoms for a number of years and attended lots of medical appointments before ‘peri-/menopause’ comes into the conversation. This is a topic that needs greater general awareness.

Some women go to their GP and end up being prescribed anti-depressants/anti-anxiety medications. A number of those women then attend therapy as they don’t want to take or stay on anti-depressants long-term. This is when I can help link client’s experiences and raise the topic of peri-/menopause where it appears pertinent.

Symptoms of peri-/menopause are many and varied. Some symptoms include irritability, depression, unloved feelings, anxiety, mood changes (more upset/sad/angry than you normally feel you would be), sleeplessness, unusual tiredness and fewer sexual feelings. Add to that list an unusual lack of focus/brain-fog, not feeling yourself, social isolation, suicidal ideation – it’s understandable and easy to conclude anxiety/depression.

However, if you widen the investigation to include physical symptoms such as heavier/clotting/more (in)frequent or longer menstrual periods, pain in joints, unusual weight changes, increased gum deterioration, increased hair loss and age (late 30s+) the picture changes. It’s worth compiling this information before you have a chat with your GP/specialist. Menopause Hormone Therapy (MHT) (aka Hormone Replacement Therapy – HRT) can resolve a lot of symptoms as well as help with bone density and cardiovascular health as women age.

Some great resources on peri-/menopause are available at:
- the Australasian Menopause Society (AMS)
- Balance by Newson Health (UK)
- WellFemme (a Telehealth service provided by GPs with expertise specifically in menopause and perimenopausal care)
- AMS: Spontaneous Premature Ovarian Insufficiency
- ABC Listen – Ladies We Need to Talk podcast: The hot truth about perimenopause and mental health
- Thriving in Menopause podcast: S10 E6 Mental health in menopause
- Menopause & Peri-Menopause Australia (a private Facebook group)
- InSight+: The difficulties of treating menopause in Australia
- Davina McCall (British TV presenter) and Dr. Naomi Potter who have material on Instagram and a book called Menopausing
If you’re in your late 30’s or older and feeling anxious/depressed without any obvious cause, it’s worth considering whether there could be more going on!