If you haven’t been feeling some level of anxiety these days, I’d be quite surprised. There is so much being demanded and expected of us, it’s hard to keep on top of it all. We’re meant to be “living our best life” and “being our best self” but sometimes it’s hard enough getting what you need to get done in a day before even having the luxury to consider those higher aspirations!

Levels of anxiety have been high enough just trying to keep on top of the work load, the house work, the bills, the kids, the significant people in your life. With COVID and lockdowns it’s even harder. So much uncertainty over health restrictions, lockdowns, complying with health orders and access to vaccinations – it really is stressful particularly at this time when lives and long-term health implications are literally at stake!

Many people feeling this level of anxiety might feel they just have to plough on. For many the answer is just to try and ignore how they’re feeling and get on with what they have to get done. Unfortunately the effects of anxiety don’t just go away and it does take a toll emotionally and physically. It’s not something you can just ignore or dismiss as “everyone is feeling anxious, so you just get on with it”. Notice how tight you feel in your head, how shallow you’re breathing, how restricted you feel in your body and how drained you feel.

Reach out to other people and talk about how you’re feeling and how you’re coping (or not coping!). Use the support phone lines so you don’t feel so alone, disconnected and isolated. Book in to speak with a professional psychologist or psychotherapist to help you through these times. Don’t keep your feelings all bottled up inside – that’s only a short-term fix and not a real solution. Keep connected with others and let’s get through this together.